Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Eagle Project

I have ALL brothers.

Which means, I am familiar with the Scouting program.

My little brother's Eagle project has been going on the past 2 weeks. 

He decided to work with a company called "Save the Family". They do alot, but the main thing is that they have about 100 homes that they "give" to homeless families to stay in until they can save enough to get back on their feet. Joe said their motto is "no family left behind" or something like that.

Joe decided that not only was he going to go in and prepare (bomb for bugs, sweep, mop, scrub all tubs/showers/fridge/oven/counters/grout, paint all the walls and trim and base boards, AND shampoo all of the carpets) one of these homes (3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, and family room), but he was ALSO going to do a food drive and whatever he collected he was going to stock the house with for the family that moved in.

We already had the food drive last week. Today was the BIG working day. We had about 20 men show up and me and my mom's friend and her daughter--my mom and dad were sick. We really lucked out with the young men leaders in my parents ward...alot of the men who came were: contractors, drywallers, professional painters, general handymen, and a man from THE family of scouting (meaning that he had done like 1000 eagle projects and knew just what to do). Joe had 2 friends show up, but the rest of his buddies either had sports practices or work. 

This house was in BAD shape. Like, roach infested-mold growing-dirt/dust everywhere-BAD shape.

Armed with gloves and masks we got in there and tackled it room by room. We had one man and his sons spend the majority of their time scrubbing down the fridge/kitchen. The mother/daughter team did alot in the bathrooms. We had one of the contractors on his knees for literally 2 hours taping and then painting baseboards. Everyone was incredible. It was exhausting work. 


It looks like a completely different house. Its clean. And that is a miracle in and of itself. Seriously. I can't believe the difference. Its amazing what ALOT of elbow grease, a group of people willing to give service, 6.5 hours, and 5 gallons of paint will do. 

I'm proud of Joe for wanting to become an Eagle Scout and I'm proud that hes getting it done! Good Job little brother! (and thank heavens that this is our last eagle project for a LONG while!)

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