Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving...and happiness

It was mentioned to my husband that I seem happier nowadays.

That since I found out I was pregnant, something changed.

Well it definitely did!

I finally was fulfilling part of the dream of my life! I was going to be a mother. Of which I am so grateful!

Another huge factor was that I got to stop taking all those horrible medications that i am so grateful for.
I finally felt like me again. My hormones were not all over the place, and I wasn't suffering excruciating disappointment every month. I am definitely grateful for that!

I feel that this is my place...the one of raising and loving children. 

I am most definitely happier now than I have been in a long time. 

I am so grateful to be having this experience, which I know is not possible for others 
(it almost wasn't in the cards for me either). 

I am so grateful for this beautiful babe growing inside of me. 

I'm so grateful that we'll get to see what he/she IS and what he/she LOOKS LIKE again in just 4 days!!! Its almost been 5 weeks, which has been killing me!!!

I am so grateful for my loving who has stood by me and helped me make hard decisions. He is most certainly my best thing and I just love him so much.

I am so grateful for my family and what a huge support system they are to me. Their love and concern for us is overwhelming. They are simply the best.

I'm grateful that Randy's surgery went well and hes at home.

I'm super grateful that Joe is alive and well on his mission in Mexico! They will love him as well all do.

I'm grateful for my in-laws, and their love for us. I have some pretty excited grandparents, aunts, and uncles over there waiting to find out about baby boy or baby girl. 

I am so grateful for my nieces and my nephews. They are all so wonderful and loving and I just want to squeeze them ALL THE TIME.

I'm grateful for my home, even though its a disaster area right now and i've been too tired to clean. Its a wonderful space and we are more than happy to have our family starting out here.

We are grateful for our working cars...and to have 2 of them. Even though one is literally being held together by duct tape, it functions. And boy. What a blessing that is!

Most importantly we are grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. The unconditional love that he has for us is truly a wonderful and incredibly blessing. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Enjoy family time...thats what I'm going to do!!

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