Wednesday, January 11, 2017

2017 My "word"

The trend in society in the last few years it seems, is to pick a word for the new year and try to focus on that through the year.

I've never done that...I don't know why. Probably mostly because I don't like following trends or fads.

I have done a lot of thinking about how I'd like this year to go. And I've decided to incorporate a "word" to help me focus on what I'm trying to accomplish.


2016 was good and bad. We saw the worst in ourselves and saw great moments too. One big thing I noticed was that we are quick to prioritize the WRONG things. Phones are constantly in our hands and faces, Netflix was ALWAYS on instead of spending quality family time together. I was so focused on my business that I didn't set boundaries. I found work creeping into every faucet of my life. I was spending way too much time, every day, on the computer--doing important things, but not so important that I wasn't focusing on Nash.

In 2017, I hope to prioritize my family more. To make each day count with Nash, because gosh dangit. He is growing up REALLY fast on me.

I also want to prioritize my business, but in a much more efficient way.

I want to prioritize my husband and our relationship by going on 50% more date nights than we did in 2016.

I want to prioritize the Gospel and put time and energy into my callings, especially that of a visiting teacher. And reading scriptures with Nash every night. And getting to the temple, AT LEAST quarterly.

I want to prioritize my home...making sure it is clean and a place of peace from the crazy world we live in.

I want to prioritize listening to the prophet. My goal for 2017 is to get our year supply and 72 hour kits put together.

and I want to prioritize ME. I am always the last thing to be thought of...this year I need some time for me. Even if its being able to go to the dentist to get my cavity filled. :( Boo. HA!

So lets do this 2017. You are the year I make prioritizing the important things my #1 priority. :)

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