Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not the Hunt Home...

It started with these two people.
Moving their family of 6 from their long-time home of Utah...
to this house here in Mesa Arizona.

This is the home where my husband really grew up.
Where he played with friends and his siblings.
Where he got into trouble.
Or hung out having fun.
This is where he learned how to play his favorite instrument.
Because he lived here, we were able to go to the same Jr. High (where we met).
Because he lived here, his best friend ended up being one of my very good friends (who actually ended up getting us together)
This is where he lived when he left on his mission, and where he lived up to the day we got married.
This is where we woke up on our first Christmas together.
Where all of the siblings and their spouses (plus some kiddos) hung out and played games.

And now...its not the Hunt home anymore.
Its someone elses.
But dang. I'm grateful they moved there.
Thanks house, you served your family well!


  1. I am going to cry...again. I miss my home.

  2. I still can't believe it's not theirs. You know that is where I met the hunt family? Brian was living with them and we went down to visit and in that house is where I became a member of the family!
    I have random weird memories from that trip like Jeffery hung me upside down after singing La Bamba. Phil Jumped in the pool with his clothes on. I was super envious of Jen's barbies and she and I agreed to be pen pals. (she was always better at it than me) and I was sitting in the living room when they were talking about forest gump. (i was 5 i think...)


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