Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Today as i was at work, I realized that i was having trouble concentrating. So i sat and thought about why i felt so on edge, and i realized that i was a bit overwhelmed.

Is it possible to be overwhelmed without realizing it? Because i'm pretty sure thats what happened to me. I really didnt realize that i was feeling the way i was feeling.

Life is tough right now. Not just for me. But for everyone. The world is a mess.

And we keep on trucking along. Babies are born (shout out to my cousin julie who had a baby a few weeks ago! and to my cousin becky and SIL mel who are prego) People are getting married (my cousin Garrett and Jace's cousin Matt--on the same day!) People go to work, work hard to find work, and work hard to keep the work they are doing.

My brother Randy has been having alot of trouble lately with seizures. He always has them, but they have been worse lately. And my poor mom and other family members have been dealing with it more than i have. He spent a few days in the hospital and they gave us nothing. We arent sure what to do.

Jace's dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about a month ago.
And you know what i've decided?? After losing my grandpa gunnell, my aunt kathy, my uncle bruce, and almost losing my mom...i'm done with cancer.
i want it gone.

We teach the 10 year olds in primary. I've been fasting and praying for them. Because every now and then one of them opens up to us about what is going on in their life and it makes me cry. They are so young to be going through such hard things.

Money is tight (isnt it for everyone?) and i want to do hair! I'm frustrated with myself for not putting myself out there--doing what i want to do. And that just happens to be wanting to help others feel like their best selves.

We want a baby but cant have one right now. We want a house but its not the right time now. We want a dog to cuddle and play with but thats not happening till we have a house and a baby.

Jace and I decided that we need to grow closer to each other and the Lord. We cant get through this crazy messed up, OVERWHELMING world without each other and the Lord.

Heres to hoping that things start looking further up!

1 comment:

  1. amen sister! my goodness I feel those same feelings on an everyday basis! I refuse to read or watch the news because it just flat out scares me. I am sure that there are many people that feel the same way. People keep saying its gonna get worse, and I'm sure it is. BUT man! It just makes me so incredibly grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and the strength that it gives me everyday! the knowledge to know what these times mean. The knowledge to stand up for what we know and believe and to be an even stronger member of the church. The peace and sanctuary of the temple.... what a comfort it can bring especially in this day and age with the world like it is!
    I say continue living your dream! HECK get a dog, we love ours! :) In moments where I am lost or weak Duke is always there to remind me of unconditional love. (and that his water bowl is empty or he needs to go potty, haha) but our motto has been to just live! continue pressing on, continue loving and serving and doing all that you can. you're an amazing person... and you have an AWESOME hubby! :) live it up! HA


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