Sunday, June 12, 2011


13. honeymoon: where did you go? was it good? ;) haha...jk.
14. thoughts on marriage: what is the easiest/hardest part? if you could change anything, what would it be?

For our honeymoon we went up to my families ranch! The cabin was THE perfect honeymoon spot! After all the stress all we wanted was a quiet get away. The weather was amazing! It was truly gorgeous.

We went for walks, went into town a couple of times (for my favorite pizza and breadsticks) and watched movies. It really was awesome, and in our opinion too short!

As you can tell from my blog, i'm not great at remembering my camera. Or when i do remember it, i forget to take pictures. Its a vicious cycle. Well...i had my camera on our honeymoon. But we only managed to get one picture. Its as we are entering the little town of Pinedale on our way into our ranch. It cracks us up anytime we see it now, realizing that that is all of our honeymoon that we captured on film.

The hardest part of marriage is definitely realizing that you are two separate individuals coming together. You wont agree on everything. You wont like some of the same things. He may NEVER pick up his socks. You may get on his case for that fact. Which could start you on a little rant. (not saying that i EVER do that or anything)
But the best thing about marriage is also the easiest. LOVING EACH OTHER. You have your best friend with you. ALWAYS. No matter how "naggy" you may be, or how "messy" you are... your spouse still loves you.

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