Monday, March 22, 2010

A new term for Dr...

So...when i started having problems with my girly stuff...i went out and found myself a new gyno. He has totally changed my opinion of OBGYNs. He is not just a Dr....he is my angel. He is the one that told me not to lose hope, and that you never know what God has in store for you. I love that he is religious. He is a member of my church so we connect more that way, but i feel that he listens to the Holy spirit in working with other people instead of just following what you are taught in school--the science stuff.

I had my next appointment with well woman visit. He was sweet and told me that my body seems to be running really well since I've gone off of birth control. He said that i do have PCOS but that doesn't mean that i wont get pregnant.

At the end of our visit, he said "who knows, i may see you with a baby by next time." heart is full.


  1. Awe that is so sweet! Its good to have someone like that who can give you hope. I've had past girly problems too with endometriosis and it is so not fun!! But there is always hope!!

  2. yes dont lose hope!!! my mom had very severe endometriosis and PCOS and she delivered 3 children. not without a little bit of complication, but she did it and so can you!
    :-D whatever the lord has in store for you will happen!


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