Sunday, August 22, 2010

S to the TRESSED!

Well this week is a doozy folks!
I dont have too much time, so its a list day!

1. We've started moving this last week. This week we'll move completely into our new home. WEIRD!

2. I take my 1400 hour test tomorrow. **esh!**

3. I can pre-register for state boards on tuesday (1450 hours)

4. Jace and i will be in our new ward next week.

5. The hunt family went to Utah for education week and made it home safe and sound.

6. the Jeff Hunt Band had a gig last friday at tempe market place. and rocked it, i'm sure.

7. It rained like CRAZY last night, it was fantastic!

8. ...downside is now its insanely humid.

9. Went to the temple for a family night with jeff, joe, dad, and mom friday. :)

10. have decided that i HATE moving!

Loves, and pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. 1400 hours?! How long did that take you?!

    It means so much to me that you thought of my sister. I love hearing how many people her life and death has touched. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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