Friday, December 4, 2020

10 Weeks, Announcing, and Thanksgiving!

 Thanksgiving week!!

I decided to officially announce to the world (aka social media) that we were expecting. Anyone who saw me in person figures it out quickly, so I knew it needed to be done soon. 

I got a cute shirt (its how i announced with Nash too) and did my chalkboard picture. Classic.

Joe and my mom both tested positive for COVID so we havent seen my family for awhile. I decided I'd make the entire Thanksgiving meal all by myself (for the most part, Jace helped some!) and send most of it over to their house. It was exhausting and harder than I thought! I did my first turkey and it came out beautiful!! I made rolls, a pasta salad, a fruit salad, gravy, turkey, ham, stuffing, a vegetable tray, dip, crandberries, and Jace did his mashed potatoes. I also cooked up a cherry and apple pie, and bought 6 others. Whew!

9 Weeks

 I had my ultrasound at my OB yesterday!!! I was 9 weeks 3 days. It was super quick, he didnt do all the measurements that my fertility clinic does. But thats okay! I got to see my babies. 

They actually looked like babies!! And they were wiggling around in there!!

My nausea has kicked in and some days i feel like dying. Other days, nothing.

So weird. 

I think that we will officially announce next week for Thanksgiving. I'll be over 10 weeks, and I will have finally gotten my hair done. LOL My belly is popping and there isnt any hiding the fact that I've got something going on if you see me in person.

8 Weeks

 I am 8 weeks 1 day pregnant with TWINS. 

You guys. That still doesn't seem real. Like, at all.

My clinic tried graduating me from their care at my 1st ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days...but I couldn't see my OB until I was 9 weeks and 3 days, so I told them I needed to come in for 1 last ultrasound.

It was today!!

I've been so nervous because sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant. My symptoms come and go. I have sore boobs, some nausea every now and then, and of course I'm bloated, but that can come from all the meds I'm still on. Other than getting tired easy and falling asleep early, and the sometimes nausea, oh and not being allowed to pick up more than 20 pounds (that one is super annoying) I forget. AND THERE ARE TWO BABIES. Shouldn't I have more symptoms?!

Anyways, I was nervous (as evidenced by my blood pressure) and excited. The tech found the babies immediately on the abdominal ultrasound and then we moved to the wand. 

Baby A was showing off, we got to see their nubby arms and legs and adorable head. Their heartbeat was 163 and was measuring 2 days ahead at 8w3d!

Baby B was only letting us see their profile, but I could still see their head and one arm. Their heartbeat was 171 and was measuring 1 day ahead at 8w2d!

They are doing great and I couldn't be more thrilled!!! We have started making plans for the baby's room and hope to start working on it soon. I know its still early, but we are just too excited! We also bought 3 cute twin outfits that will work no matter the sex of the babies. 

How we told our families

Doing IVF is so weird. You know the minute you get pregnant technically. Our families knew. I was on bed rest for 2 days. They knew we had a 2 week wait.

So, on the day we found out we bought a sweater at target that said "worth the wait". I took it to my mom and dads and showed my mom. Her response was "oh honey, you might want to hold off until you know...." then I raised my eyes at her and she started crying and jumped up to hug me. My dad gave me a hug and so did Jeff. Joe said congrats. 

Nash came home from school and when he walked in I whispered "guess what? We are pregnant!" He whispered back "did he really call and tell you that?!" He is so excited. He keeps talking about making sure the babies are safe.

The hunts were coming from Utah 2 days later so we held off and decided to tell them in person. I wore the sweater to see if anyone would notice (they did not lol). At first it was just Pop and Mindy, Pop asked, I had him read my sweater and he pumped his fists in the air. Mindy asked if she heard right and i said yes and she hugged me and started crying! Then Jeff, Kara, Josh, Jamie, and Jen trickled in and each one was surprised and so happy. It was a super fun night to spread around some good news. 

We haven't really told anyone else yet. Waiting for our ultrasounds to do so. 🥰

6 week 4 day Ultrasound

We made it to ultrasound! It felt like an eternity!

Especially because 3 days before it i experienced some bleeding all day. I was so panicked and they had me come in to check my blood hcg levels. The levels came back at 26, 375 so im definitely pregnant. 

I'm taking it way easy, more easy if you can believe it. All I'm doing is lying on the couch and praying for these babies.

Anyways, ultrasound day! I had to go by myself, stupid covid rules. My blood pressure was high because I was nervous.

Then we started! There was baby! Oh...and baby #2! TWINS!! Fraternal twins with perfect heartbeats. I cried the whole ultrasound and cried the whole way home. TWINS!!!

Beta #3

This was the slowest week ever. Finally went in for my 3rd blood test and our numbers are 6,086!

Those are high enough to schedule my 6 week ultrasound! I'll be able to see my baby/babies! Hear their heartbeats! We are oh so happy. Its going to be another long week. Lol I'm currently 5 weeks along. I got my stop meds calendar and im just giddy.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Officially pregnant with Hunt baby (or babies) #2!!

Yesterday was my blood test, and it was at 8:45 AM. Last time I didnt hear from them until almost 5 PM and it was pure torture. So this time...I came home and at 10 AM decided to just bite the bullet and take the at home pregnancy test. It immediately said YES and I just wanted to jump for joy. Jace was so happy, he took a half day and took me to target to buy something. LOL

Our first beta # was 192 (with Nash it was 129)

I go in tomorrow for another blood test and hopefully that number has doubled and we are going in the right direction! We are so happy and so excited and so hopeful and so thankful to our Heavenly Father. #huntbaby#2 hurray!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Beta day

I went in today at 11 days post transfer for my blood draw. I asked when I might find out from them and they said this afternoon. 

We just want to know! We are all in knots over here! 

Friday, October 9, 2020

IVF Transfer #2

If you can believe it...Sucktember finally ended and on October 2nd we had our 2nd transfer. We transferred 3 embryos. We even got pictures of them and put them on the fridge 🤣

I'm currently ONE FULL WEEK into being pregnant (again). This week included 2 days of general conference (which was AMAZING during my bed rest), and Nash's fall break. I feel bad because we haven't been able to do anything fun. Im on crazy light duty, jace is working, and we have to be hyper aware of situations and social distancing and the like. 

We had a scare day 5 and 6 post transfer. I went to the bathroom and when I wiped, i wiped away blood. Freaked me out. It continued for almost a full day, then went to brown clumping, then I had a clot (not good!) come out. I spent alot of time praying. I did plead for my babies, that they could stay, but I did ALOT of pleading to help me be prepared in case things went south. August was awful and heartbreaking. I had a long co vo with one of my nurses,, she said that thr light bleeding and brown could be a good sign of implantation bleeding...and that we are officially officially pregnant. Today all the colored discharge is mostly gone. Im on limited "duty". Im not supposed to lift more than a gallon of milk and im supposed to take it easy. 

Nash and I have watched oh so many movies and TV shows this week its ridiculous. I did finally edit a gallery (I have another that needs to be done too). I also "planned" our family pictures for tomorrow. I bought a new shirt for nash and jace, new shoes for nash and jace, and a new dress for me. Im once again doing them myself, so hopefully they turn out okay. Im also trying out a new place...we've passed it a few times now when we go through globe and I hope it turns out well. We shall see!

For now, we are hopeful. We talk about me being pregnant and the babies inside me. I really really hope and pray they get to stay with us. Nash is thrilled with the idea of multiples. Seriously so stoked. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The one where it takes forever...

 We almost always go to the cabin for Labor Day. Its one of the last times we get to go up for the year (we traditionally try to go around our anniversary in October before they officially shut it all down, but we dont know if we can go this year). We left Friday evening...later than I had hoped to, but Jace had work and I was doing laundry to go and trying to get my prescriptions filled before we left. I think by the time we got something for dinner and filled up with gas and got off it was around 6:30 ish. Mom and Jeff had left 45-60 minutes before that. I should also mention, that we had the dumb cat with us. Its important to the story.

The stupid highway going into Payson has had a lane shut down all summer because of the fire in June. Because of that it added on an additional 2 hours JUST TO GET TO PAYSON.

It was all stop and go traffic...and it made Nash vomit E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. We stopped at the gas station to clean him and the car up. Mom and Jeff had stopped to eat in Payson, so we now were almost caught up to them. We finally got back on the road, 15 minutes behind everyone else....only to get COMPLETELY stopped in Star Valley. We inched forward for over an hour, only to get stopped in front of Pete's Place (if you know you know). Mom calls and says its a bad traffic accident, but they are letting cars go through alternating between sides. Her car and Jeff's made it and she promised it wouldnt be long for us.

We were at A DEAD STOP for another hour. I finally had lost my was midnight at this point and we werent even HALF WAY to the cabin. We had been on the road almost 6 hours. SIX! 

I had Jace get out to see what the heck. A guy started driving back toward Payson yelling out his window that he talked to someone in charge and they had completely shut down the highway because of fatalities and they had no idea when they would open it back up.

So...heres the deal. Nash barely fell asleep around 11:15, and its almost 12:15 now....we have been on the road for almost 6 hours with a CAT who hasnt peed in who knows how long. We have no idea how long we might be there. I turned our car around and drove an hour and a half-ish back home. We walked in our house at 1:30 AM. The cat miraculously DID NOT pee in my car or even meow more than once or twice the WHOLE TIME. Nash whined and cried alot home because he was bummed about not going to the cabin.

I woke up Saturday and did some laundry and decided that we would try again, but go up the Globe way (its traditionally a half hour longer of a drive, but last night made me wary of going Payson). We had to fill up the car with gas AGAIN because of the dumb drive the night before. We left Thor at my parents house (my dad was at home). It felt like it took forever, but was still shorter than if we went the other way. We got to the cabin around 2 pm or so.

I'm glad we went, Nash had so much fun with all of the cousins and even got to drive one of Uncle Gary's quads all by himself! They played make believe, built sandcastles, made a fort, and ran around. 

Nash did launch himself off his bed the first night and landed full force on my uterus. I basically couldnt breathe for like 15 minutes. That was fun.

We planned on leaving around 3 ish, but Jeff's minivan wouldnt start around 10 AM and he trouble shooted ALL DAY. We hooked the battery up to our car--battery was fine. Dad was on the phone...he thinks its the starter. Wain starts trying to figure something out. Jeff and Joe go into town to see about towing it but its Labor day and no one is open. We FINALLY loaded the girls up in our car, and jeff's stuff in mom's and we left around 6 or 630 and left his minivan at the cabin. 

We got home before 930 pm last night. 

It was a doozy of a trip. I do not recommend most of it. lol

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Moving Forward

Woo boy. August was the literal WORST.

We started online school the same day that I had my IVF transfer. I was on bed rest and then sick or sore (oh how sore!) from all the meds and shots that I had to do everyday. I was crampy and nauseous (all good signs indicating pregnancy), I lost 5 pounds (I lose weight at the beginning of my pregnancies). 

Then 12 days after that we found out that we lost our babies. 4 days after that we had a conversation with our doctor who told us that we had been pregnant and that i will be miscarrying those babies in the next week or so. 

I miscarried our babies.

All the while still homeschooling, and working.

Then we reached out to discuss another transfer. My IVF coordinator Daina set it up. Our next transfer is scheduled for October. I have to be on birth control pills and other meds while we monitor my lining and other things leading up to it. 

We are nervous.

But we are ready to move forward.

We don't want to be stuck in the sad. In the what ifs. We have more embryos waiting. Its time to keep going.

I'm also really ready for school to start back up again, even for 2 days a week (which is their modified schedule). Everyone in the freaking state has started back up already...why not us?! People are doing Prenda schools--no masks, kids together. Our numbers are going down, not up.

The CDC released information basically owning up to numbers being inflated. Covid is real (our net door neighbor KaraLyn is a nurse had it, so did our neighbors Gary LeSeuer, and Lana Stradling, and Shelice Millett) but its not as deadly for the general population as they have made it out to be. People have lost their livelihoods, the world is in complete chaos, places like New York and California are STILL under lock down 6 MONTHS INTO THIS. 

We are ready to move forward. Yes, our lives will never be the same, but we are ready for our new normal and for people to stop acting how they are acting. We are ready for the election to be over in November so the Democrats and Republicans stop using the American people as their puppets. 

We are ready to move forward past all the blazing HOT weather we are having. Arizona has broken all sorts of records on how many days in a row we have had temps over 110. We have basically not had any monsoon rains.

September in our house is better known as "Sucktember" and I really hope that that doesn't hold up this year. August was sucky, I don't need September to be as well.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Day 12 post transfer

We found out today (August 17th), at 12 days post embryo transfer, that our two beautiful babies didn't "stick". To say our entire family is devastated would be an accurate description. We talked about these babies everyday. We talked about names, what they would look like, how our lives would change once they got here. Nash was talking about how the babies would be in the room next to him and that he could be a big help to me. His comment to me when I told him the news was (with a drooped head and slumped shoulders) "but then ill still be all alone...."and I broke. 

The grief has been coming in waves for me. I was SO sure this was finally it for us...i mean we had our babies created and placed in my uterus for crying out loud. As a woman, and a woman with infertility, its impossible to not blame myself. Maybe I did something wrong, maybe I did my meds wrong, maybe I didn't have enough faith...the list goes on. 

Sure, I know better logically. But for now the pain is speaking louder than logic. 

I now have to prepare myself to miscarry. 

Maybe someday. 💔

This phrase spoke to me...except we don't THINK this all we want, we do WANT it.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Day 5 post transfer

I joined a "IVF TRANSFER IN AUGUST" group on Facebook. I thought it would be good support...but honestly its making me more nervous and in my head. Some of the women who transfered the same day as me or even after me are already taking pregnancy tests!  

What in the world?!

What if its negative? Then you're miserable for 2 weeks, but COULD actually be pregnant. What if its a false positive? Then you spend 2 weeks overjoyed only to be heartbroken 💔. 

I am so nervous. There is so much riding on this. So much time, so much money, so much hope and prayers!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Transfer day!!

I passed my 3rd test!! 
4 days ago, I started my new protocol. I now take progesterone cream twice a day and jace has to give me a large shot in my butt of progesterone in oil, plus the estradiol pills twice a day and the estrace cream at night PLUS all of my other pills and supplements. 


I'm constantly sore, and my body has changed thanks to the bloating and swelling from the meds. 

I've done the progesterone shots to jump start my period before, but i'm doing these every day and I have never been more sore. Laying down and rolling over is ROUGH.

My hormones have definitely patience level is at a 0. 

We got our for sure transfer date for our sweet embryos! August 5th! 

I'm so excited, nervous, tired, sore, anxious...all of the things!

Also, Nash starts online school tomorrow (day before my transfer...) We will see how it goes! 



Every time I think that there can NOT be possibly more information to take on in regards to fertility, I AM MISTAKEN!

For you women who can get pregnant and not think about it, I feel it would truly blow your mind. I have been going through infertility for 8 years, and treatments for 7 AND I'M CONSTANTLY BLOWN AWAY.

The amount of medications, the amount of doctors appointments, the decisions, the financial burden...its all truly astronomical.

I am starting preparing my body for my embryo transfer, whereby i will (God willing) be pregnant. I'm on so many pills and supplements already. I just picked up my meds for the next 4 weeks...totaling almost $2,000 and it fills my kitchen counter. I will have 4 different alarms set for different medications every SINGLE day. Some meds do the same thing, but cant be taken at the same time, or in the same vein. So like, in the AM and PM i'll be doing pills of one medication, but also right before bed I'll be using a vaginal cream. SAME TYPE OF MEDICATION. Its just crazy town. I will be giving myself shots again and I will be doing upwards of 3 different injections PLUS all the pills and creams almost every single day.


Plus, while I'm preparing my body for transfer, you have "check in" appointments, where they draw blood, do ultrasounds, tests to make sure my uterus is open (no freaking polyps please!), and scratch the heck out of my lining so the embryo has a nice soft pillow to bury itself into.

I've passed 2 out of 3 tests so far, clearing me for my transfer date.

Please pray for us, for me, and for our embryos!! We are so ready for this part of this journey to be done and move onto the next!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Journey Part Dos Summer 2020

After the devastation that was March 2020, Covid-19 put a HALT on everything non-emergency related. No dental procedures, no elective surgeries, no fertility treatments.

I got a call in May, stating that as the state opened back up, we could start proceeding with IVF. It was so nerve wrecking to decide to move forward in this way. Its A LOT of money with no guaranteed outcome. But over the last 2+ years we have spent that much and probably more we decided to go for it.

We have prayed and fasted to know what to do for years now. We have felt like failures because we've never received inspiration from Heavenly Father helping guide us in one direction or another. However, we have felt pretty strongly about 2 things. #1. We have more kids waiting for us. and #2. its not time for adoption yet. Well, that doesn't leave too many options for us, so we went forward and scheduled IVF treatments.

Thanks to Covid19 everything is definitely different. I am the only person allowed at the office (unless Jace had to go do his part). You text when you are there and wait in your car to be called into the office. You are required to wear a mask, get your temperature taken, and answer a few questions before you go in to get checked.

I'm dealing with a whole new set of nurses-- my favorite nurse was furloughed because of Covid19 :(
I have an IVF coordinator--I call her often to ask questions.

I went on a very intense medication cycle and had to do blood work and ultrasounds EVERYDAY after day 6. I started the whole process June 1st. On June 13th I went in for my Egg Retrieval. Surgery was different too. I was whisked away and was alone during prep (except for my cute nurse Judy) and had to wear a mask until I was up on the operating table. I woke up and had to get dressed and everything by myself and was wheeled out to the car where I finally saw Jace again. My nurse realized that my birthday was in 2 days. I said this is my birthday present. I want babies for my birthday!

We were told that they were able to take 36 EGGS during retrieval! That is amazing.

The next day they called and said they were able to fertilize 20 of those eggs.

Then came the waiting. 7 LONG DAYS OF WAITING to hear about our embryos. We have prayed and fasted for those babies. I have had many conversations with Nash about what fertilization is and what an embryo is. My 6 year old knows more about the science of reproduction than I did in high school, I swear.


I just got the call.


We are going to have the opportunity to have more babies and we are beyond thrilled. I am going to be crying once it finally hits. Our babies. Our "Em-babies". So excited.

Friday, June 5, 2020


I've been thinking about, processing, dealing with, etc for now 12 weeks about the novel coronavirus--covid19.

TWELVE WEEKS. 3 months.

That is how long I've had Nash home 24/7. That is how long we have been in "quarantine".

My mother keeps saying that I need "to write it all down. my kids and grandkids will want to know." but honestly, its felt so very overwhelming I didnt know where to start. And honestly, I still dont. There is so much that wont be said...mostly because its been so much that I cant remember it all.

A short breakdown: A horrible virus "escaped" from a lab in Wuhan China. Chinese officials lied about how many got sick and how many were dying. The WHO also didnt report real numbers. This virus attacks the respiratory system and especially in those with weakened immune systems, or those who have pre-existing conditions. However, it doesnt care who it infects. The elderly, men, women, children....healthy, pre-existing conditions, what have you. So many thousands have died. It has affected so many different nations.

The world as a whole was on lockdown trying to slow the spread of this virus.

Our president shut down our borders, no one in or out.

We were asked to stay in our homes and quarantine. Businesses were shut down, doors locked. Unless you were essential...thankfully Jace works for the bank...which was essential. We were not left without income. However, my photography business was shuttered for 2 months. I'm just barely getting it back up and running. Jace was now working from make sure we werent being exposed.

We have my parents and randy especially who would not survive if he contracted this. We have been very careful.

I had a sinus infection and needed to get antibiotics from my doctor at the start of all this. I was asked to wear a mask (we all were later on), wait in my car while they prepared a special room for me, I was taken in a back door to avoid everyone else ::in case:: my symptoms were that of covid. They was a sinus infection.

You were/are still supposed to be shopping once a week. One person in a mask, once a week to limit exposure. People freaked out and bought everything. It was hard to find food and supplies for almost 2 months. Now we know why our church leaders have been telling us to have a supply of food on hand...a year is best, but at minimum a 3 month supply. I was doing the shopping for my family and my parents so they didnt have exposure. Milk was limited to 1 gallon a person (if you could find it). The stores 3 months later are just starting to have bleach and toilet paper on their shelves. They still arent stocked but they are starting to be signs of things coming back. Cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, frozen foods, meat, bread, milk, eggs, and ANY paper goods--plates, TP, paper towels, etc, FLOUR, sugar, salt, rice....all of that has been GONE. I have been lucky and found some TP here and there....finally found some flour at costco and some rice at Frys. Everything has been piece meal. It has been truly crazy.

Through the craziness of the food shortage...I never felt panic though. We had enough. We would be okay. And we have been. Its all about having Faith over Fear. I have trusted in my Heavenly Father and we have been blessed.

I have been doing my best to reach out and minister to our families. I have been baking bread and sharing it.

We planted a garden with our tax return this year. It happened right after quarantine. We have been wanting to and this got our butts in gear. We have already harvested some radishes. We have a head of lettuce growing, a couple of carrots, radishes, some sweet peas, some broccoli, some bell pepper plants (with one pepper), a cherry tomato plant, and some watermelon. It has been trial and error and I think i've finally figured it out. We installed a drip system and its nice to not have to go out and water twice a day. Nash planted some flowers from seeds and they are starting to bloom. He is over the moon.

(planted March 31st 2020)

(planted March 31st 2020)

School was cancelled immediately. I became a homeschool mom with someone elses curriculum. The school adjusted as best as possible with online learning. It was trippy. We would go get lunch a couple days a week at the school, even though we couldnt get out of the car or see anyone really, it was a chance to get out of the house. I cried one of the times I got to go get some groceries for pick up. I miss having anytime of quiet now.

(our homeschool set up)

My anxiety has been up and down and up and down. Through all of this though, I have been honest with Nash in the simplest way without adding fear. He understands that he cant see his friends, or go to school, go to church, play coach pitch, go to his singing class, or even hang out at his grandparents, because we want to keep everyone as safe as possible. He knows that this virus is killing people. He knows that momma and daddy want him safe and healthy.

All of our temples and church houses were closed. What a weird and scary time. We had General Conference at home broadcasted as usual, but the only people allowed during conference were those speaking. The music was pre-recorded. The brethren were sitting 6 feet apart in social distancing standards. President Nelson announced a new symbol for our church. And new temples. And his love and faith that everything will be okay.  We also got to participate in a Hosanna Shout. Nash's first. And we were invited to participate in a WORLD WIDE fast. <3 nbsp="" p="">

We have been able to have Sacrament meeting in our home and that has been special. I hope Nash always remembers that. All missionaries were sent back to their home countries. Some are finally getting reassigned within their home countries.

My business was able to officially open March 18th with new policies due to covid19.
Some businesses arent open yet in the country. Everyone is having to open in phases.

Schools for Arizona announced yesterday that they will reopen in the fall, but there will be major changes. We are supposed to hear what that means in June. I am nervous.

Nash asked when we will get back to normal. I told him that we will never go back to what was his normal. Things will be new. We will deal with and adapt as best as we can.

My fertility doctor called and since Arizona is opening things up, we can resume with our IVF plans. Its happening and its scary and we are in a scary time, but I'm not waiting. Faith over Fear. Its been our motto and will continue to be so.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Nash turns 6 in Quarantine!

So Nash's 6th birthday had been in the planning stages since January.

He knew 3 things:
Who he wanted to invite (Shawn Kerrigan, Mason, Liam, Silas, Grey and Henry, Evan, and Maximus--from school)
What type of party: PIRATES!!
What type of cake: Chocolate with chocolate frosting!

I ordered lots of fun things, planned lots of fun little activities for the boys. Talked with the moms. Everything was set.

Then the coronavirus hit and sent our country into a lockdown "quarantine"...literally the week of Nash's birthday/party.

I, of course, postponed his party (but it doesnt look like it will be happening...we will just have to do it next year, hope he still likes pirates!) But my sweet little boy's world just got rocked. No one had done a quarantined birthday, so I had to make it up as I went. It was a very rainy day which was a bummer. But I had Jace make Nash a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs (his favorites!), we downloaded new video games for him and Jace and I played for a LONG while, I made his birthday signs of course, we gave him his new bat early and we went to a park (before those were shut down) and played for hours! We visited Papa at work (through a window), got neds to go for lunch (you could only do to go from places!) We then got Barros to go for dinner and went to gramma and papa's house (before we quarantined for good) to open presents. I made his chocolate with chocolate cake and we had a good time.

(going to bed, last night of being 5!)

(Ned's at the park on a cold and rainy quarantined day!)

(He was SO pumped to be in coach pitch...before all of this and before baseball was cancelled, we bought him a bat of his own for his birthday. We broke it in with batting practice!)

(He kept calling himself a "slugger!" It was adorable.)

(Before we started staying away from Gramma and Papa's house...he had to celebrate his special day with them and pizza!)

(Some of his "loot"! Lots of books, legos, flashcards, math games, shark all helped to keep him entertained and doing homeschool stuff during quarantine!)

He said he loved his birthday, and I really hope he did.

He is my very best thing. I love that kid so much and I hope he always knows that.

I am your biggest fan and supporter Nash! You are smart and kind, you love hard, you are so inquisitive, you want everyone to be your friend, you have a great imagination, you love your family, and you always try your best! All fantastic qualities!! Being your mom is my favorite thing I've ever done! Dont you forget that you are my BFF forever!! xoxoxo

Monday, March 9, 2020

Our Journey Part Dos...2020

I cant believe this. I cant believe this. I cant believe this.

I have been in such a state of grief...its hard to write this post.

Towards the end of February as I mentioned, we met back up with Dr. Craig to discuss IVF. He had me get a progesterone shot that day to start a period and start a cycle with meds as a "baseline" or maybe for an IUI should we get some good follicles.

It took me a little longer than normal to start a period. But I did. And I started all my meds. I was to go in on Day 9 for my "10 day ultrasound" and an HSG ultrasound making sure my tubes were clear. The regular ultrasound was to be first.

I had been trying not to get my hopes up, seeing as last year i basically produced nothing after the first month of trying.

She started the ultrasound and I STARED AT THE SCREEN IN COMPLETE SHOCK. My ovaries were double their size FULL of giant follicles! The ultrasound tech was blown away. I mean, she stopped counting after she found 30 mature follicles. Close to 20 is the goal, and I had 4 measuring at 20,20,20,21! I knew that an IUI would be out of the question...last year in Feb I had 12 and it was a no-go. So I looked at her excited and said, we are ready to move forward with IVF!

She had to talk to the Dr. and I went into the waiting room to talk to Jace. I told him excitedly how many follicles and he was on his way to the doctor to see what was next. As soon as I got off the phone with him, they called me back into a room. The ultrasound tech said, " one is going to be here next week starting today, so we cant take a collection and there wont be anyone here to watch the embryos." I was DUMBFOUNDED. I was in shock. You mean to tell me, I have all of these follicles, my body FINALLY didnt let me down--it did exactly what we wanted, we are mentally and financially prepared to go forward with IVF and you are telling me THAT I CANT BECAUSE YOU ARE LETTING EVERYONE IN THE LAB GO ON SPRING BREAK?! I lost it. Started crying. This cute nurse, who has been with us since we started trying for NASH stayed with me. I just didnt know what to do or say and I was literally about to have a full on break down. I needed to get out of there. So I did. I called Jace in the parking lot unable to talk. He was on his way to me.

He opened my car door where I was inside literally having a panic attack and full scale meltdown. I threw myself at him and just sobbed and sobbed. He had us go back in to talk to the nurse so she could explain it to him. Nothing changed of course with that other than he started crying and we got the nurse crying too. Nothing like ruining everyone's day.

So, now I wait. I wait to start a period, which will be painful because of all the follicles. I will have to have excess cysts drained (no idea what that means or what goes into it) and we will have to start all over.

One of the worst parts of all of this is that all year in 2019 we prayed and prayed and fasted and prayed to know the direction in which to go. Is this the right course of action? Should we stay with Dr. Craig? Do we keep going with IUI's? Do we try IVF? Are we supposed to stop trying to have more kids?

And the only answer we felt we received was that we were not done with having kids and that it wasnt time to look at adoption. Thats it.

So this year, we continued praying, but also said, we are going to move forward with this and make this happen (IVF financially speaking), please let us know if this is the right move. AND ON DAY 9 my ovaries exploded. It felt like Heavenly Father finally was answering me. And then because of a HORRIBLE miscommunication from my Doctor to me and them just assuming my body wasnt going to produce that I missed out on this.

I am grieving the loss of my future. I had possible and PROBABLE multiple children in this cycle. And they were taken away.

I will get through this. We will get through this. Things are just painful right now. I am angry and devastated and miserable and tired.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wellp. last published post was in June of last year. THAT IS ALMOST  A FULL YEAR AGO.

Shame on my journal game.

Well...there really is no way to play catch up. I will do a quick summary of the end of our year in 2019 and beginning of 2020.

In July we splurged and went with my family to Bigfork Montana to see my grandparents. Nash had never met them and the last time I had seen them in person, I announced my pregnancy with him. I missed them. My grandparents are getting older now and their memories are fading a bit. I wanted Nash to know them. Wanted him to remember how my grandma flo puttered around her gorgeous yard and took care of the plants. How my grandpa lee smells and how much he loves seeing his family enjoy his home. Wanted Nash to see my very favorite place on earth that houses so many wonderful memories for me. Before things change. I'm now crying just by writing those few words. I cant think of that week in Montana without being so grateful to Jace for helping to make it happen. I would never have forgiven myself if we hadn't gone.

In August Nash started Kindergarten. It was a brutal month. He cried, I cried. Everyday. We survived.

We picked up fertility treatments in September. They did not go well. Jace's sister had a baby girl.

October brought more disappointment with fertility treatments. We splurged for our 10 year anniversary and went to Boston for 5 days. The change, being kid free, forgetting for a bit about the disappointments was just what we needed. Nash stayed with my parents. He had a blast. I took a million pictures with my phone and uploaded a bunch to Instagram for my Chatbooks. Had lots of clients start up for fall minis.

November brought a "miracle cycle", meds given to us by our doctor for one more treatment. We were sure this was it for us. This was the cycle that was going to give us a shot for a baby. Guess what? It wasnt. It was a hard blow. We decided to stop all treatment and figure it out in the new year. I started detoxing off the hormones and was a wreck. I had so many clients this month. They kept me busy and I was grateful.

December was super busy as well with work. Nash started reading really well. Christmas was nice and laid back. Jace surprised me with an upgraded diamond and that was awesome. Spent lots of time as a family. Grandma Riggs passed away. That was sad. I got to see my cousins Matt, Garrett, and Richie though, and that part was nice.

January 2020 we went to the fertility doctor our insurance covers to discuss IVF. Our insurance said it would be 100% covered (not meds, but still). So we went. Turns out that 100% was a deceiving number. The lab wouldnt be covered. We would still be out well over $12K. The Dr. didnt make us feel comfortable either. The wind was taken out of our sails. I made an appointment to talk with our
"old" doctor to discuss IVF. We had to wait a month. Business was slow. I was in a weird limbo and didnt like it. I was working out everyday and watching was I was eating (on my endocrinologist's suggestions) and wasnt losing weight or changing shape. Getting depressed. Started talking with my cousin Julie about ways to fund/fund raise for IVF. Nash started in a singing group with Jenee Prince once a week.

February killed me with Nash's schedule. Half the month he was only at school for an HOUR every day. I basically lived in my car. He hated it because he didnt get to play with friends and was stuck with me all day every day. It was the worst. He did get to do a field trip to the zoo and I chaperoned. He had a blast. I got in over 14,000 steps that day. He also had his school festival and thought it was awesome. In his own words "its a day i go to school, but dont learn anything, just have fun!" Finally got in to my Dr. He was a breath of fresh air and had multiple options and suggestions (as always). He made us feel more at ease. Talked to his financial girls and found out because of all the $$$ we spent on IUI's we would get a nice little discount on IVF...making it the same cost there as at the new place that made us feel icky. Decided to stay with who we know and who gave us our little miracle 6 years ago. Signed Nash up for coach pitch to start in March. Randy spent a little over a week in the hospital with Pseudomonas.

March--we just started. Nash and I have planned out his birthday party since he is turning 6 in just a couple of weeks. We have all been sick, nash is currently on antibiotics for a sinus infection and I think I may have one too. The coronavirus is kind of scary, running rampant, and infecting everyone. Trying my best to keep my family healthy enough to get through it when it hits. Not panic-ing like lots of people or treating it like its nothing like others. I live in the middle. I'm taking meds that give me migraines and cause swelling in my extremities. Super fun. We planned to go to LA to spend time with Jeff and the girls for the last part of our Spring Break next week. We'll have to see if we will be healthy enough to go. Really could use a break and the beach sounds awesome! Jace's parents and sister and her family are coming during spring break too, so we will get to meet Jen's newest kid--little Elena.

You are now caught up. 9 months condensed pretty well. Of course there were other things that happened...some good, some bad. Life goes on. I will try to do better about posting as this is my journal. I really dont think anyone reads this anymore, so its for me and my posterity.