Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Elisha Maternity + family

The Taft family just recently moved to Arizona from the Bay area (San Francisco) and mom is due with her second baby in the new year. Elisha really wanted to document the pregnancy with maternity pictures, but also wanted new updated family pictures in their new surroundings! 

So, easy peasy, we combined the two! I had them meet me at the Riparian preserve (just a few minutes from their house) and spent a bit in the afternoon documenting this beautiful family! Cant wait to meet your new little girl Taft family!!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Baby Noah

Noah man was 4 months old when he visited me! This sweet little guy was killing me in his cute outfit and with his flirtatious smiles!! He would be smiling at me one minute, but as soon as my camera came out, he became very concerned and unsure of what was going on.

I loved working with this sweetie--and cant wait till he visits again once he is sitting on his own!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I'm gonna be real here.

about 75% of the time I feel like I'm a crappy mom.

I try so hard, I really do.

But I find that I often fall really short.

I also compare myself to other moms my age (OR YOUNGER!) who have one or more, or many more kids than I do.

I never seem to measure up.

How come I do this? How do I stop? How do I feel like a better mother? How do I BE a better mother?

I want more kids. Gosh dang it, if it were up to me I would have at least 3 by now (the plan was to have 3 by 30, but you know...infertility crap).

Most days I end up crying in my bedroom thinking, "ha! you joker. you're a sub-par mom with ONE kid!! And you think you can handle more!??"

Other days I feel like I nail being a mom.

I cook, I clean, I dont lose my temper more than 5 times during the day (:/), I work, he naps, we're happy, we play, dance around, survive the day, and go to bed mostly happy.

Today I thought I'd nailed it. I worked all morning (which is AWESOME, but also stinks because I'm away from Nash), then came home and decided to do an afternoon date! I loaded him up and surprised him with lunch at Barros (pizza is a family favorite) and he got to watch cartoons and have soda. Then I loaded him up and went to the park!! There were even other kids he got to play with-- AND I didnt hover!! I let him be and have fun. Then it was time for a nap and all hell broke loose. It was the tantrum to end all tantrums (at least for our family!) and I lost my cool. ALOT. He did nap, but woke up WAY early and has been begging since 4 to go for a car ride and leave home. Every time i said no, it was another tantrum...each one longer than the next. Jace came home and things were okay for a bit because Nash loves his dad. Then Jace left to his 2nd job...and Nash lost it again. And before I completely melted down myself, I loaded him up and took him to my parents for a distraction (like they NEEDED US AND OUR DRAMA.)

Tomorrows a new day I guess.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Griffin Family

 Allison won my giveaway I held on facebook!! I hit 500 likes on my page (yahoo!) and put it out there for a free family session. Allison and I are facebook friends (never had met in person) and I was so excited to let her know she had won the shoot!! 

She and her family are moving across the country soon and so we needed to do pictures fairly quickly. She wanted a pretty green backdrop and we decided to go to Nichols Park. 

She has 3 cute kiddos and it was a blast hanging out with them. I wish them the best in their new adventure and I'm so happy we finally were able to meet in person!!

Monday, November 21, 2016


This kid is KILLING me with the things that he says!!

I try to write them down so I dont forget, but life is crazy and that seems pretty impossible.

I have managed to get a few things lately. So for your enjoyment: Nashisms Fall 2016

"No momma no! No snowman!!"--seeing blowups in the store. they terrify him. he is in trouble, because his papa LOVES blowups. Christmas at gammas and papas is gonna not go over well!

Nash disappeared for about 5 minutes and returned. I asked him what he was doing and he replied "playing pooping". I brought his booty up to my nose. "Playing pooping" means "poopin'"

I was working in the kitchen and Nash comes up to me and and grabs his diaper and says, "my bottom is bubbling." Apparently that is the sensation when you pee in a diaper.

Nash was punching and hitting jace and I a few weeks ago. We asked why are you doing that but he didnt answer us. Super frustrating. After he did it again to me one morning i asked, "what are you doing?" His reply? "I'm playing batman". Jace had been playing his batman game and nash was watching batman hit and punch the bad guys. :(

Along those same lines, Jace will play his star wars video game and nash likes to watch. He calls it "trouble". He especially loves darth vader. Dont know why, but i frequently see him running around with his bat (pretending its a light saber) and making the darth vader breathing sound.

Yesterday Nash grabbed one of my picture easels and was pretending it was a gun (no idea where he would have seen that). I was in the bathroom and he came running in, looked at me and whispered "trouble momma. dont worry", and took off running like he was going to solve some problems!

Everytime Nash sees lights or Christmas trees he yells "Christmas!!!!"

He has learned the song Happy Birthday and Jingle Bells and can sing them on his own!!

I went to get him up in the morning the other day and he said "finally momma! i'm trapped!" (hes still in a crib)

His very favorite show is Rescue Bots and he makes believe with his toys and plays rescue bots ALL DAY EVERY DAY. The other day he was "taking a nap" and I heard him say, "Dont worry boulder, I got you!! and Oh no Cody, be careful!!"

He loves his stuffed kitty and takes him everywhere. Its always been named "kitty" though. Then he realized Rescue Bots had a white kitty on the show. Now our kitty is named "Mr. PeddyPaws." No exceptions.

I'm sure there is more. He cracks me up every day. I love this kid.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Baby Emerson

Emerson was such a stud! He was so good. He slept for most of his session and even once he woke up, he was just chill. Dad got a surprise as we stripped Emerson down for his naked shot...little Emerson soaked his dad!! What a little stinker. Ha!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Baby Gavin

Cute Gavin came in and was just the best baby!! He came in asleep, and stayed asleep, through 5 or 6 outfit changes. What a doll. ALSO how cute is his "Red Wings" hockey uniform?! Complete with his own ice skates!! I about died when his momma brought those out. So adorable!!