9. the reception: where was it at? show us some pictures! what day did you get married?
Our wedding date was OCTOBER 15, 2009. The temple had been closed down for 3 weeks for refurbishing and we got married 2 days after it reopened. (us along with 5 other couples) It was tough getting bridal pictures because all of us were fighting for spots at the temple at the same time. In some of our pictures you can see other couples, and i'm sure vice versa. It was funny then, its funnier now.
The reception was at my church building where my singles ward met. Its not any regular old church building either. This is the one in downtown Mesa. Its the coolest looking thing, and so old and full of character! It even has a courtyard in the middle of the building! It was perfect for the weather we had. The hottest day of the month (over a 102 degrees) and so you wanted to be inside the culteral hall for most of the festivities, but the night turned so nice that having that courtyard was awesome! we had the presents and video of us going on out there.
My decorator did an awesome job of turning the large culteral hall into a "tent". We had tent lights strung up over the ENTIRE room as well as the ENTIRE room being lined with fabric. I had a giant serving area (i didnt want dinner...so we had snacks. friuts and veggies. as well as homemade strawberry lemonade) smack dab in the middle of everything. It truly was perfect. I loved it!
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