Friday, December 4, 2020

10 Weeks, Announcing, and Thanksgiving!

 Thanksgiving week!!

I decided to officially announce to the world (aka social media) that we were expecting. Anyone who saw me in person figures it out quickly, so I knew it needed to be done soon. 

I got a cute shirt (its how i announced with Nash too) and did my chalkboard picture. Classic.

Joe and my mom both tested positive for COVID so we havent seen my family for awhile. I decided I'd make the entire Thanksgiving meal all by myself (for the most part, Jace helped some!) and send most of it over to their house. It was exhausting and harder than I thought! I did my first turkey and it came out beautiful!! I made rolls, a pasta salad, a fruit salad, gravy, turkey, ham, stuffing, a vegetable tray, dip, crandberries, and Jace did his mashed potatoes. I also cooked up a cherry and apple pie, and bought 6 others. Whew!

9 Weeks

 I had my ultrasound at my OB yesterday!!! I was 9 weeks 3 days. It was super quick, he didnt do all the measurements that my fertility clinic does. But thats okay! I got to see my babies. 

They actually looked like babies!! And they were wiggling around in there!!

My nausea has kicked in and some days i feel like dying. Other days, nothing.

So weird. 

I think that we will officially announce next week for Thanksgiving. I'll be over 10 weeks, and I will have finally gotten my hair done. LOL My belly is popping and there isnt any hiding the fact that I've got something going on if you see me in person.

8 Weeks

 I am 8 weeks 1 day pregnant with TWINS. 

You guys. That still doesn't seem real. Like, at all.

My clinic tried graduating me from their care at my 1st ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days...but I couldn't see my OB until I was 9 weeks and 3 days, so I told them I needed to come in for 1 last ultrasound.

It was today!!

I've been so nervous because sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant. My symptoms come and go. I have sore boobs, some nausea every now and then, and of course I'm bloated, but that can come from all the meds I'm still on. Other than getting tired easy and falling asleep early, and the sometimes nausea, oh and not being allowed to pick up more than 20 pounds (that one is super annoying) I forget. AND THERE ARE TWO BABIES. Shouldn't I have more symptoms?!

Anyways, I was nervous (as evidenced by my blood pressure) and excited. The tech found the babies immediately on the abdominal ultrasound and then we moved to the wand. 

Baby A was showing off, we got to see their nubby arms and legs and adorable head. Their heartbeat was 163 and was measuring 2 days ahead at 8w3d!

Baby B was only letting us see their profile, but I could still see their head and one arm. Their heartbeat was 171 and was measuring 1 day ahead at 8w2d!

They are doing great and I couldn't be more thrilled!!! We have started making plans for the baby's room and hope to start working on it soon. I know its still early, but we are just too excited! We also bought 3 cute twin outfits that will work no matter the sex of the babies. 

How we told our families

Doing IVF is so weird. You know the minute you get pregnant technically. Our families knew. I was on bed rest for 2 days. They knew we had a 2 week wait.

So, on the day we found out we bought a sweater at target that said "worth the wait". I took it to my mom and dads and showed my mom. Her response was "oh honey, you might want to hold off until you know...." then I raised my eyes at her and she started crying and jumped up to hug me. My dad gave me a hug and so did Jeff. Joe said congrats. 

Nash came home from school and when he walked in I whispered "guess what? We are pregnant!" He whispered back "did he really call and tell you that?!" He is so excited. He keeps talking about making sure the babies are safe.

The hunts were coming from Utah 2 days later so we held off and decided to tell them in person. I wore the sweater to see if anyone would notice (they did not lol). At first it was just Pop and Mindy, Pop asked, I had him read my sweater and he pumped his fists in the air. Mindy asked if she heard right and i said yes and she hugged me and started crying! Then Jeff, Kara, Josh, Jamie, and Jen trickled in and each one was surprised and so happy. It was a super fun night to spread around some good news. 

We haven't really told anyone else yet. Waiting for our ultrasounds to do so. 🥰

6 week 4 day Ultrasound

We made it to ultrasound! It felt like an eternity!

Especially because 3 days before it i experienced some bleeding all day. I was so panicked and they had me come in to check my blood hcg levels. The levels came back at 26, 375 so im definitely pregnant. 

I'm taking it way easy, more easy if you can believe it. All I'm doing is lying on the couch and praying for these babies.

Anyways, ultrasound day! I had to go by myself, stupid covid rules. My blood pressure was high because I was nervous.

Then we started! There was baby! Oh...and baby #2! TWINS!! Fraternal twins with perfect heartbeats. I cried the whole ultrasound and cried the whole way home. TWINS!!!

Beta #3

This was the slowest week ever. Finally went in for my 3rd blood test and our numbers are 6,086!

Those are high enough to schedule my 6 week ultrasound! I'll be able to see my baby/babies! Hear their heartbeats! We are oh so happy. Its going to be another long week. Lol I'm currently 5 weeks along. I got my stop meds calendar and im just giddy.