Friday, March 20, 2015

Nash's year in review!

This little miracle came to our family after MUCH trial and error!!
We tried for 3 years to get another member of our family...then we went to a fertility specialist.

Bless him. Seriously. And bless the nurses in his office. We went and did different medicines and procedures monthly for 6 solid months...took a month off...and went and gave it one more go.

On August 8th we received the greatest and most unbelievable news! We were pregnant!!!

We announced publicly on October 13th 2013 when I was 13 weeks along. 

I worked at my full time job up until the day I had Nash---who surprise! Came a full month early. (Thanks preeclampsia)

I was in labor for 15 hours--had an epidural--had to stop pushing and wait for the doctor--and then Nash shot out of me after 3 more pushes. He was tinier than he was measuring, and completely perfect. No NICU for us! 

It has been quite a ride, and I wouldnt have wished for a different buddy to take the journey with. I love my Nash Cameron Hunt more than I couldve even imagined possible. Happy Birthday my sweet little man. I love you so hard.

Our first month was crazy!!! We made it to our due date finally. He is 5.5 pounds!! (still so tiny!!) he is in preemie clothes too. He had his first general conference (slept the whole time!), loves tummy time, makes the best faces, uses cloth diapers as blankets, had his first easter, and dinner out to mattas! He is so strong and trying to lift his head little by little. I love him more than i can say!!

This chunk a monk is officially 2 months old today! Nash has grown so much...pretty sure doubling his birth weight. He has officially outgrown all preemie clothes, started liking bath time, hates getting his diaper changed, has graduated to sleeping part of the night in his cradle instead of just our arms, went from us forcing him to eat half an ounce of milk to sometimes eating 4 or 5 ounces a feeding. He has smiled a couple of times and we cant wait for him to just let loose with the smiles and giggles. Cant imagine my life without him! 

Today nash is 3 months old! He still has tummy issues, and reflux, and sometimes colic. He is smiling so much more now (although we have to work for it), has outgrown almost all newborn clothes!, and FINALLY has started taking other binkies other than the soothies from the hospital! Hooray! We love our Nashman! 

4 months old! Nash is such a trooper baby! He is growing like a weed! No one believes he was a preemie under 5 lbs! He wears 3 month clothes and has just started wearing 3-6 month! We discovered he had a protein allergy and he is now 100% formula fed. He reached lots of milestones: he has rolled over (tummy to back), started to laugh, has found toys and plays with them, splashes in the bath, is now sitting up (mostly on his own), and has even started teething! We love this sweet boy with all our hearts!

Happy 5 months (yesterday) to my little man! After a scary month of virtually no eating, stopping rolling over and trying to sit up, and hardly any sleep...I think we have turned a corner! Nash had a scary er visit (complete with iv fluids), saw 2 specialists (GI and Neuro), started on the most expensive formula in the history of the world, had his name out on about 30 temples prayer rolls, and received his first miropractic adjustment. He is cutting a tooth (and constantly drooling), is about 15 lbs, is scooting all over his cradle, is sleeping about 3-4 hours together at night (hallelujah), and gave us our first laugh the other day.

This has been the hardest month yet....and he is so worth it.

6 months last week! Its been a super crazy half a year with this munchkin. Lots of ups and lots of downs. Through it all I have been so blessed to have this boy and be his mommy. Nash is still not sleeping, but he is eating solids well! He loves baby foods, especially pears. He is rolling back and forth and is angry he isnt mobile yet. Soon though as he is getting his knees under him some! He is rolly polley but only in the 25th percentile for weight. And doc thinks he will inherit my short genes (hes only in the 10th percentile!) His smiles melt my heart and the squeal he has is so endearing. Love my Nash!

Nash is a kick. He is full of personality and stamina!! This month (number 7!) he officially got his 2 bottom teeth, said momma, started standing up to things (like to the play table) and in his crib (we had to move the mattress down!). He met his great grandma and grandpa hunt for the first time, went up to the cabin and celebrated his first Halloween
(he was a shark of course!) 
We love him more and more each day!!!!

This sweet little guy is 8 months old! He is such a bright spot in my life! He has 2 teeth, loves food, crawls everywhere, sitting up, pulling up to things, in 6-9 month clothes, loves musical toys, being outside, the color red, grandmas kitties, and his momma!

9 months old today! Nash is all boy. Rough and tumble (notice the mutant ninja turtles bandaid?). He just had his 5th! tooth come in. LOVES food. Gets into everything. He is 18+ pounds. He stands up to all furniture and legs and monkey walks around. He FINALLY can sit himself up from a laying position. He sat in a target cart by himself for the first time today! He gives mouth kisses, giggles lots, and still doesnt sleep. LOVE my little man!

Nash was 10 months on the 18th! Has 8 teeth now, is 19 pounds, in 9 and 12 month clothes, is mimicking , total momma's boy, loves outside and kitties, and slept through the night for the first (and only) time 2 nights ago!

11 months! Nash is EVERYWHERE! He loves to explore. He is in 12 month clothes, weighs 20 pounds, loves bath time and chasing kitties, musical toys, oreos, Mickey mouse clubhouse, outside (his swing!), his cousin jane, knocking over block towers, his 'b', and his stuffed animals! He copies us so much! He has also finally started sleeping better...on average 6 hours straight before he wakes up! Hallelujah. We sure love this kid! ♡♡

12 months...1 year old. Nash is the greatest gift i've ever been given. He is sweet and silly, smart and so curious. He has the best smile and loves cameras. His giggle could make anyone smile. He is talking more (learned bye bye 2 days ago), avid book reader, still lets me cuddle and rock him to sleep, sits on my lap to watch Mickey mouse, drinks a normal sized bottle FINALLY!, sleeps so much better at night, still loves outside, plays with his toys and stuffed animals, enjoys sitting in grocery carts, bath time, and just being the cutest boy ever. I cant believe my baby is growing up so fast! ::sob::

Nash is ONE!! part 1

My baby is ONE!!

And it wasn't as traumatic as i thought it was going to be.

Nash is such a joy. And his party was fun stuff.

Here is part 1 of pictures. I love this boy so hard.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Grace Turns 8, Calvin Turns 1!

Grace Emberlyn Hunt made me an aunt almost 6 years ago.

(my wedding!--I found that dress online and I had to buy it for her!!)

The next April.

Grace is 3 and cute as can be!

Our special Aunt and Niece birthday date

Growing up into such a pretty young lady. 2014.

Valentines Day 2015.

She had just turned 2 when Jace and I started dating--and we were engaged just 2 months after that!

She is such a character--lots of funny stories, cute phrases, such imaginative adventures. She is the queen bee of the Hunt cousins...loving to be the boss and considering herself one of the grown ups.

8 is a very special birthday as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It means that she is technically accountable and can be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. Grace made the decision to be baptized. It was a fun week--her birthday is on the 7th so we had a family get together that Sunday (where we opened presents, ate yummy cake, and roasted marshmallows outside), and then her baptism was on the 14th (just yesterday!) 

Our nephew Calvin's birthday is the 14th as well (Calvin, his parents, and grandma van came into town) and so we had quite the weekend full of family togetherness! 

Yesterday we started by celebrating Calvin's 1st birthday!!! Its pi day so it was sciency. His mom Jennifer did a few experiments for the kiddos and we watched calvin eat cake and open some presents. Then we all went and got ready for the baptism!!

Jeff, Graces dad, baptized her and confirmed her a member of the Church. It was very sweet. While we were all together I insisted on pictures. Not sure if the Hunts love or hate that about me...oh well. I like to document. :)

So here they are...all the pictures. Starting with Grace's birthday celebration on Sunday and going up to the baptism. Fun times.

Now on to Calvins birthday!!

And now Grace's Baptism...

Isnt she beautiful?!

(Nash is having issues with Calvin this trip...)