Monday, June 16, 2014

My Birthday/Fathers Day!

June 15th 2014.

Father's Day. Also, my 27th birthday.

Last year, these occasions were pretty much ruined. The day before my birthday and 2 days before Fathers day we found out that our 5th IUI procedure had failed and we were not pregnant. It was a devastating weekend. In fact...we were trying to remember my birthday last year and we couldn't. It was so bad we literally had tried to forget it.

This year, both occasions were on the same day...and we were much much happier!

This year, we sat in church with our little Nash on our laps. It was good.

Jace bought me my fancy camera for Mother's day/my birthday...I added to it a camera case so I can take it places. Happy Birthday to me! My family was cute and made some signs (my mom to be exact!), and they gave me $ toward getting a tripod and remote for my camera, plus some new garments and a new apron for the temple. Simple and totally exciting to me.

Jeff and Melanie gave me a super adorable post with a welcome sign to go out by my front door. LOVE IT.

Jeff and Mindy were so sweet and gave us a date night!

And my in laws gave me a cute counter sized chalkboard/whiteboard. So fun!

1st time swimming!

June 14th 2014

It was still cold! (my parents pool is deep)

But check out my rolley polley baby boy!

May 2014

May this year brought a few things...

Nash turned 2 months old!!!

He more than doubled his birth weight and actually made it into the 5th percentile! (9 lbs 4 oz)
His head grew alot too...and we couldnt even fit the beanie they gave us at the hospital on his head.

"This chunk a monk is officially 2 months old today! Nash has grown so much...pretty sure doubling his birth weight. He has officially outgrown all preemie clothes, started liking bath time, hates getting his diaper changed, has graduated to sleeping part of the night in his cradle instead of just our arms, went from us forcing him to eat half an ounce of milk to sometimes eating 4 or 5 ounces a feeding. He has smiled a couple of times and we cant wait for him to just let loose with the smiles and giggles. Cant imagine my life without him! #nashcameron"

My dad turned 61!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! wow.

Jace turned 27!! I got one of his favorite pictures of Christ framed, a star wars tumbler glass, and we (Nash and I) took him out to lunch, and then shopping to get some new clothes. Things didnt exactly turn out the way I pictured but we made up for it by celebrating more at the cabin the next weekend.

Other random pics: