Wednesday, December 21, 2011
In other news...i am still sick. awesome. and have bruised my side from coughing so hard.
Jace got the job at Wells Fargo! We have lots to figure, school, etc., but i think this will be the start of something really good for us!
We still have roaches in our apartment. Are you shocked? Because i am so far beyond that now... I think i have actually reached a zen place...i look at a roach and all i can think is "another one. wow."
Jace and I are planning on moving at the end of January! (3 times in 3 years)
Christmas has snuck up on me! It doesn't feel like Christmas to me...and i don't know if its the yo-yo weather, the fact that I'm working full time, or what...but its weird! We have been decorated and presents wrapped since the 1st. We are just finishing up helping my family get all their lights up and tree decorated. 4 days left! crazy.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
3rd date of Christmas!
As soon as he got home we went delivering! It was fun to connect with some people and it was fun to think of when the other people would realize they had cookies hanging on their door.
2nd date of Christmas!
I don't have any pictures...i was too busy whooping up on Jace to deviate.
that's right. thank you ticket to ride. i rock.
:) and thanks jace for little Caesars and crazy bread. mmmm.
1st date of Christmas!
My camera's battery was dead.
My phone's camera stinks...
We waited too long to do this and all the stores are already putting christmas on major sale and taking it down.
regardless...we found what we came for. without further adieu....presenting OUR ornaments!
so yes, a ticket stub ornament represented a part of our 2011.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Disappointing Dream
You wake up all excited because IT WAS SO REAL.
only to realize that it really really isnt.
Last night i dreamed that we had to send out new Christmas cards (horrifying thought by the way) because we found out we were expecting a baby. And we wanted everyone we loved to know that it finally happened.
Then i woke up. And got all sad. and got even more sad when i realized i needed to go to work and i was really comfy cozy in my warm bed. LAME.
On a positive note: Jace has a job interview with Wells Fargo today...and that could totally be awesome for us. So pray for him!!! and keep your fingers crossed for good measure :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011
I feel like...Ricky Gervais

Does this to ricky gervais' character because he talks too much:

And then he sounds like a chicken...and very foolish.

oh yeah. in the movie he also dies right after this picture ^.
I am Ricky Gervais' character...except instead of a chicken i sound like this:

and yes, i do feel very foolish. and no, i dont think i'll be dying anytime soon.
but i really really want my voice back.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Struggling in the fact that Jace's career is taking much longer to jump start than anticipated. the fact that I'm not doing ANYTHING related to my chosen career. the fact that we don't like our apartment and need to move. the fact that sickness is inevitable this time of year. the fact that we cant get a home of our own. the fact that we cant have a baby. the fact that both our families are going through tough times and i feel the weight of them as if they were my own.
Where would the growth come from if we didn't have to go through tough times?
How would we know how to get down on our knees and plead for help from a loving Heavenly Father?
How would we learn to ask for help, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and strength?
How would we learn to rely on others?
I realized that I'm not doing enough on my part. I need to put my trust in the Lord and that all will work out the way it needs to.
For NOW:
I promise to make the best of my situation.
i HAVE a home, plenty of food, clothes on my back and way too many in my closet, and more than adequate transportation.
i have a job.
i have a loving husband.
i have a great family.
i have adorable nieces and a of which is a newborn <3
i have a loving Heavenly Father.
i have the knowledge of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friday, November 25, 2011

(the mis-shapened head from her entry would've given it away anyways)
Shes beautiful!
I'm so proud of Melanie and Jeff--both were so calm--so not how i would've been.
She came Thanksgiving morning at 12:25 AM and weighed in at 6Lbs 3 Oz.
She is so super tiny!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Grateful and Thankful
- Pleased and relieved: "they were thankful that the war was finally over"; "I was very thankful to be alive".
- Expressing gratitude and relief: "a thankful prayer".
1. feeling or showing appreciation of kindness.
I feel...both. So much. I have so much to be thankful for...but more than that i have so much that i am grateful for (to me being grateful is a more intense expression, more sincere...if you will).
Here is my list that i am GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for today:
(in no particular order...)

UM and real quick...the last 4 pictures?? Yeah.
I pretty much have the cutest nieces and nephew around.
Friday, November 18, 2011
I'm "blank" because...
Here are my answers!
I can’t sleep with my hair down.
I drink pepsi like its water.
I have a no shoes policy in my home.
I like Doritos with my PB&J sandwhiches.
I love to smell the smell of gasoline.
I prefer to NOT cuddle when I sleep.
I can only pop my neck one way.
I will eat chips and salsa as a meal.
I can’t sleep uncovered--no matter how hot it is--part of me is always covered.
I'm scared of drowning and scorpions.
I prefer the pizza crust to the actual pizza sometimes.
I drink from over 10 glasses a day.
I have a love/hate relationship with our dishwasher.
I love decorating, but i'm always changing something.
I start my shopping in the sales section of every store, and most times I never leave.
I think my biggest pet peeve is when house numbers are not visible.
I absolutely LOVE pythons and great white sharks.
I do a happy dance when I get a package in the mail.--which is not often.
I make a mean pasta dish.
I’m a bad friend because…
I sometimes take days to check my voice mails.
I am terrible at returning phone calls and emails.
I don't always word things the way I want to.
I sometimes forget activities that I've committed to until last minute.
I want to see those I love succeed.
I love and cherish friendship.
I love my friends kiddos like they are my own.
You can show up at my house at midnight to talk about your bad day. Or call at 3 in the morning.
Me being slap happy is should see it.
I wish I didnt have to work, so i could spend more time doing things with family/friends.
I too often get consumed with guilt. (especially the not wanting to work thing...)
I sometimes let little things get in the way of the big picture.
I need to be better at letting things roll off my back.
I just finished stuffing and addressing ALL of my Christmas cards for this year.
My moms surgery went well and nothing was cancerous.
My friend Lauren's surgery went well and shes okay.
Its 75 degrees today
I'm inching ever closer to getting something else off my 25 before 25 list.
My brother is going to be having a baby in the next few days!
Christmas. period.
Starting an annual Christmas party.
Cooler weather.
Christmas lights.
Seeing family.
Eating yummy foods that i dont make for just me and jace.
Becoming an aunt again!
Movie watching.
Family time.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
its all about choices
So Jace and I had a fast courtship...2 months till we got engaged and 4 more till we got married. In today's standard that's insane. be it.
the engagement was fast for me, but the wedding couldn't have come sooner. once i made the decision to move forward, dang it! i wanted to move forward!
Anyways...there were some nights where we just sat outside and asked each other questions. What was our fav color (mine is blue, his is green), fav breakfast food (both of us prefer french toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon!), place we wanted to go to the most (its IRELAND for both of us!) fav animal (mine is either a great white shark or a flamingo, and his is a bear (koala to Kodiak) ...etc.
After we got married we decided to write up a list of things every couple should ask each other. Amazingly enough such tiny differences really can make it or break it for someone! I know that sounds ridiculous, but i've talked to a few people about it and they are they ones that told me that! In my head...if i really liked/loved the person, not one of these things would make me break up with them or assume that the relationship would be a dud or too hard to accommodate both choices.
We wrote our first list about a year ago...and lost it. So last night we started a new list...its not done, but here it is! Enjoy.
AND i would love to hear what your answers are to these! Comment and let me know!
Jace and I dont match up on alot of them. LOL
1. Pepsi or Coke
2. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
3. Creamy or Crunch peanut butter
4. Mountains or Beach
5. City or Small town
6. Winter or Summer
7. Nsync or Backstreet Boys
8. xbox or playstation
9. Firm or Soft Mattress
10. Liberal or Conservative
11. Fruit or Vegetables
12. Public or Private Schools
13. Hot or Cold (weather)
14. Boneless or Regular Wings
15. Cats or Dogs
16. Team Angelina or Team Jen
17. DC or Marvel
18. Halo of Call of Duty
19. Nuts or No nuts (in desserts)
20. Team Sparkle or Team Heartbeat (Edward or Jacob)
21. Board Games or Video Games
22. Hugs or Kisses
23. Diamonds or Gemstones
24. Applebees or Chilies
25. Brittney or Christina
26. White or Yellow Gold
27. Travel or Homebody
28. Winter or Summer Sports (snowboarding/wakeboarding, etc.)
29. Football or Baseball
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Not the Hunt Home...
Moving their family of 6 from their long-time home of Utah...
to this house here in Mesa Arizona.
Where he played with friends and his siblings.
Where he got into trouble.
Or hung out having fun.
This is where he learned how to play his favorite instrument.
Because he lived here, we were able to go to the same Jr. High (where we met).
Because he lived here, his best friend ended up being one of my very good friends (who actually ended up getting us together)
This is where he lived when he left on his mission, and where he lived up to the day we got married.
This is where we woke up on our first Christmas together.
And now...its not the Hunt home anymore.
Its someone elses.
Thanks house, you served your family well!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
i shall call this "i'm a loser today"
1. Woke up late (cold morning+warm bed=LAZY BONES)
2. Remembered to grab the lunch i made last--score!
3. Substitute mailman put the mail through the door yesterday resulting in in me stepping on it and slipping.
4. Me slipping on said mail=me falling very hard onto my back
5. Alarm at the store going off before i could disable it.
6. Receiving calls from the alarm company making sure everything is okay and then having to walk me through the steps to turn it off.
7. The police showing up, and having to give a tour of the store to make sure nobody was hiding in the back making me say everything was okay.
i'm blogging at work! on MY laptop! something went right today...hallelujah.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Time out for Women
"Choose to Become"
All the Speakers and Musicians?

Its a Friday night/Saturday conference for women! In 2 words?
Both Musicians truly spoke to me...they were fantastic. On Saturday it was Hilliary Weeks. Shes hilarious and so talented. "A songwriter/singer/pianist. A mother. A mormon."

Want to learn more? Go to the Website!
You'll love it!
October 2011
I have some catching up to do! and guess what?! PICTURES! (miracles do happen, see?)
I know i have posted in October, so its not like you havent heard from me. But lets just recap.

Ran in the Race for the Cure again :) 5 years that mom is cancer free! got some news at the end of oct saying that she tested positive for a cancer gene and now has to have a hysterectomy. We're sure that all will be well, and have great faith in her surgeons.

I have been working long days and to make sure i dont die, jace has been making me lunches. isnt he just such a cute mom?? ;)

Baby sat the 3 musketeers one night while my BIL Josh was in a play! We watched lots of movies, snuggled with aunt Andrea's stuffed animals, ate mac n cheese, read some books, and they all crashed on our bed. It was so cute.

Our pumpkins! This year Jace chose a smaller one because "it wouldnt take so long to clean out"...he realized his mistake later when he couldnt carve what he wanted to. He had to settle for the good old standby of "scary pumpkin face".

(Jace was Jack from Jack in the Box--hilarious.)
I dont have a picture currently of Jace...but you could check out the busybeelauren blog... she had a good picture and Jace has some on his phone.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
2 Years!!!
2 years.
Crazy that its already been that long.
We decided to go up to the cabin for our anniversary, just like we went up there for our honeymoon.
it. was. awesome.
a running joke. the only picture we took on our honeymoon was of the covered bridge on the way into the ranch. This was on the way out.