1. Read…and FINISH Atlas Shrugged
2. Play in the rain with Jace—take pictures
3. Buy a house
4. Do a Super Secret Act of Kindness
5. Take a sisters trip with our moms
6. Have a baby
7. Join an orchestra--again
8. Ride a horse up at the cabin
9. Celebrate a "made up" holiday—dressing up or decorating included!
10. Make at least 5 crafts I have always wanted to (ornament wreath, memo board, a space just for scrapbooking, make a little girls tu-tu, and refinish the dining table and chairs)
11. Enjoy an Arizona sunrise
12. Literally stop and smell the roses...appreciate their beauty!
13. Make my grandpa’s peach jam with my mom
14. Get into the BEST shape of my life
15. Have a steady client-tell for my hair business
16.Slalom Ski
17. Do something that I’m scared to do
18. Buy a better camera and make sure to take pictures!
19. Catch up—to date! on my scrapbooking
20. Start an annual Christmas party
21. Learn how to use my sewing machine!
22. Buy a new car
23. Plant a garden
24. Play in the snow
25.Take nieces and nephew(s) on a birthday date!