Saturday, October 30, 2010


Remember that commercial for Disneyland like a year or two ago?? "Its HALLOWEEEEN time!!!" It annoyed me to death (just because it was on so much...not because i dont like or you know LOVE me some disneyland...WHICH I DO.)
Anyways. I keep saying that over and over and over and i'm pretty sure i'm as annoying to others as that commercial was to me.

J hasn't carved a pumpkin since he was like 10. And if ya'll know know that carving a pumpkin is a solid Andrea tradition. We didn't last year and it just about killed me. Granted we had been married like 2 weeks...and were busy moving in. but I'm making excuses. Well. This year there wasn't any room for excuses. We bought our pumpkins on our anniversary at the awesomely awesome Superstition Ranch Market. I spotted mine right away. and i mean really...2 18 LBS pumpkins for $ cant beat it!

Due to unforeseen circumstances...pumpkin carving started at Midnight last night. i was in my jammies and special Halloween socks (tradition...I'm not one to buck the system!)

(ps. that are my home girl's legs next to me. we totally match)

This is my pumpkin before:
This is J's pumpkin before:
J getting super-di-duper excited to carve with me...

My pumpkin when finished:
My pumpkin close up:
(um and yeah. i know how freaking awesome it is) ;)

Our pumpkins together:

Jace's pumpkin close up:

We turned on a true Halloween classic: Hocus Pocus! to watch while carving and ending up staying awake till 130 to finish it!

and these are my favorite Halloween decorations EVAR!
I hung my manikin heads from school! might as well put them to good use right?!?
(my cousin Scott said that this MAY be the reason we haven't had friends over...)

I'll post pictures from our brother and sister's HALLOWEEN par-tay tonight as soon as i get them on to my computer. Jace and I are going to be a Roman and a Roman goddess (yeah i know i'm cheap. I had the costumes already from my Toga 22nd birthday...but whaddya gonna do when you are poor?!?)


Now i can go out and make some money!!! ( i checked the site 20 times yesterday and nothing was posted...and for whatever reason i checked before i went to bed last night (130 AM mind you!) and it was there!!! Its a good thing i passed, because i was so nervous i almost died taking that test!



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fo' shizzle

Hey all.
guess what??

i've been married to THIS man

for a whole year now :)

and my love for him has grown deeper and stronger than i thought was possible.
Jace works so hard for our family.
He listens to me whine.
He is concerned when i dont feel well.
He takes care of me when i'm sick (sort of :) )
He sings me pretty music.
He dances with me to NO music.
He is constantly trying to make me smile.
and telling really bad jokes to do it :)
He knows the way to get back on my good side is by back tickles and doing the dishes.
He supported me through the ridiculousness that IS beauty school.
He takes me into the temple with the look like he's doing it for the first time...every time.
and now he is seriously talking about starting a family with me.

I love him so so much. and am so excited to be married to him for all of eternity!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I need some...FUN!

I've been realizing lately that Jace and i have been doing what alot of married couple do.

Sure...lovin' on each other (duh!)

but also, we have allowed ourselves to get in a RUT.

When i was in high school my dad used to say to me, "Andi, you are in a RUT!" and i would reply with, "I am not! I just dont like change."

I thought that was an appropriate answer! life was full of crazy changes for awhile. Meeting Jace, a whirlwind romance, a new career path, a wedding, moving...all that jazz. and jace and i had FUN. my journal is full of hilarious adventures...and of course stories of how nothing goes quite as we plan. But that is our life and its hilarious to others. My brother Jeff kept saying that he'd just call me and ask how my weekend went if he needed a laugh. TRUE FACT!

Well...since i got down to the last few months of graduating i was super-di-duper stressed. And i allowed that to overshadow fun. In what world does this equation make sense??


NOT MINE! Then of course we were stressed out with bills graduated and now having to take my boards/finding a job...

(fun fact...i took my written part of boards today and PASSESD!)

And i was thinking back on all of the fun stuff that we used to do (or more like the funny stuff that would happen to us while we were together)
and i missed it. I want to just have fun. and laugh and be silly.

My husband probably thinks that the silly part of me died...but she is getting resurected today!

So, moral of this story?? GO HAVE FUN FOR ME!

and i'll join you

Monday, October 11, 2010

Get thee hence!

get thee hence!"

I'm going to share something extremely personal. and something that would embarrass me, but i know that anyone who does read this, loves me and wouldn't dream of making fun of me. right?? well if you do...just keep it to yourself.

I lost about 20 pounds before i got married. Stress and all that. Well, i kept it off until school got crazy busy. I started with putting 5 on and then we went on a cruise. I put on another 5. I was then diagnosed with Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome which apparently makes you gain weight REAL EASILY and makes losing weight RIDICULOUSLY HARD.

On top of all that, i started staying at school for 13 hours 3-4 times a week so i could get done faster. that means, a whole lot of not eating right and exercise?? yeah, that was a joke. I'd get home at 1030 or 11 PM. It just wasn't happening.

By the time i graduated school...(this is the embarrassing part...) i had not only put on the 10 lbs from before but i had then gained another 25lbs. Yes. that's right. 35 lbs since my wedding a year ago. I am so freaking depressed re-reading that. And i know that that is not going to help me lose weight. See, i want to feel good about my body again...and I'd like to look good in my own skin again. and if we get pregnant by doing that, then all the better!

So. I'm making a resolution eat healthier and to try and work out in some way EVERY. DAY. also, I've decided to not try and lose a certain number by a certain time. with PCOS you can't do that. losing weight is going to be an accomplishment in and of itself. so I'll just say that by Christmas, i want to feel like I'm on my way to being a better me.

i need your help. all the "experts" say its about support. so for anyone out there who reads this, help me by sending me "reminders" or encouraging messages. i know that i can do it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 pictures and 1 goal off of my "life list"

Okay ya'll.

This is THE picture to the last post. Please forgive the quality, it was taken with my camera phone.

I'm so excited!!! Its just perfect to hold some of my favorite decorations for the upcoming holidays! I CAN NOT wait for Christmas! Its the perfect little shelve for our Christmas stockings. :)
My heart is happy.

In other news:
Everyone has a "bucket list" right??
I have one. Its constantly growing and it definitely expands faster than i'm able to cross things off. I'll have to tell you about some of the items on my list (we'll reserve that for another post).
One of them though was to make a perfectly round pancake. Without something to make sure it stays in a perfect circle. and i believe i accomplished this last night!
you tell me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Feelings...nothing more than feelings

Some times i look at all of my friends blogs...and see how crafty and talented they are and it makes me sad and mad at myself.

I dont take the time to think of putting together a "halloween tree"

or making dozens of adorable headbands

or baking cupcakes just because

or taking a zillion pictures and making art out of them

shoot, i'm so far behind in my scrapbooking i have piles of pictures waiting to even get looked through!

i havent sewed new pillow covers, or even put up all of the pictures in frames that i want to.


i did remember that i do other things well.
and as far as crafting...i did this little ditty the other day (picture to follow)
A make-shift shelve/fake mantle.

It was just the thing to spice up my wall and it is now the proud owner of my halloween/fall decorations! and at christmas it will be the perfect spot for our stockings.

Home depot wood...a little glossy spray paint...and a husband with a drill. AH. happiness.